We offer a convenient, secure, and free delivery service.
Returns are always free of charge.
We ship all orders within 3 days.
Informații despre produs:
Elemente populare: strasuri
Meșteșug: handmade
Culoare: Oglindă-Rhinestone Pocket Ceas Suport-Rose Gold, Mirror-Rhinestone Pocket Holder Tyrant Gold, Oglindă-Rhinestone Buzunar Suport de buzunar-Silver: Modele aplicabile
iPhone7 Plus/8plus, iPhone7/iPhone8, iPhone6plus/6s Plus, iPhone6/6S, iPhonex/XS, iPhonexSmax, iPhonexr, iPhone11pro Max, iPhone11pro, iPhone11
Modele aplicabile: iPhone7 Plus/8Plus, iPhone7/iPhone8, iPhone6Plus/6S Plus, iPhone6/6S, iPhonex/XS, iPhonexsmax, iPhonexr, iPhone11pro Max, iPhone11Pro, iPhone11
Lista de ambalare:
Carcasă telefonică X1